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Stud Life

1h 27m Black Pride, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Comedy, Drama, Classics 2012

JJ is a lesbian ‘Stud’ who works as a wedding photographer with her best friend, Seb, a pretty white gay boy. Their clients are wild, weird and wonderful and like many of them JJ and Seb are both looking for love in the wrong places.

So when JJ falls in love with the beautiful and mysterious Elle, this long term friendship is tested for the first time, as JJ has to choose between her hot new lover and her best friend. JJ’s decision to give her relationship a proper chance leaves Seb with a lot of extra time on his hands and he finds himself having to reject the constant flirtatious advances of their local drug dealer, Smack Jack, who turns up when Seb least wants to see him.

Jack is sweet-hearted and knows all the right people, but his one true love is Seb - he just needs to find a way to make Seb feel the same. Instead Seb is too busy lusting after his web-fantasy, the straight-acting ‘lad’ known as Manchester Joe, who he found when surfing the web. When JJ and Elle hit hard times and Seb realises Manchester Joe isn’t all he is cracked up to be, there is one last decision JJ has to make; does she put mates before muff?

Set in East London, Stud Life is a sexy, young and cool lesbian romance revealing a unique slice of British urban life.


T'Nia Miller (JJ) , Kyle Treslove (Seb) , Robyn Kerr (Elle) , Simon Savory (Smack Jack)


Campbell X


Campbell X



Closed Captions [CC]



United Kingdom


Peccadillo Pictures

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